I don't know where should I begin,but I shall begin to pen down my emotions, hoping that this will get to you somehow ( God willing). Today as I encountered endless miseries and this was a continuation to my prolonging pain, I came across someone who inspired me to think about life so differently. Wrinkles of worries on your face first puzzled me and then when we started talking,those wrinkles made total sense to me. You softly spoke and I noticed how every time you smiled, you were hiding some deep pain beneath, but then who was I to question? But by the end of this encounter, I had felt I known you for ages..
I was pretty disheartened uptill that one meeting with you just changed the way I think, it just shook my roots and gave me a reality check. You spoke about your miraculous escape from that devastating, life threatening accident. As you explained ' I was driving my car, when a car knocked me, pushed my car, then the next thing I see is my car crashing into an oil tanker, because the car had pushed me from behind, my car crashed into the tanker, and I was jammed." It was chaotic, the ambulance came, then the helicopter which finally took me to emergency. The medics didn't think I would survive at the scene of the accident, I was very close to death, but I guess it was someone's strong prayer that saved me, I must have done a good deed, that saved me from death. I thank God for this new life.
But saying that, this stranger spent the past 2 years recuperating, it was only 6 months ago when she came back to this world, that's how she puts it, ' I have been disconnected from this world for the past 1 and half year, it has been these 6 months where I started catching up with what's going on." Indeed, the situation she described reminded me of my depression, but my pain was nothing compared to hers, she was strong and she even told me how she started coped in those 2 years. " I had to learn how to walk again, I was hospitalised for 1 year". Indeed, tough 2 years of her life, where the most important thing a human most requires is moral support from people around you, and time tests who is purely yours and who's not. It becomes very easy for a person to judge someone especially during such a situation. Did you ever imagine, you would get that far in your life without any moral support? Were you stable enough without that strong shoulder to lean on? Why couldn't you realise it's importance? Maybe because you were very privileged and took everything for granted, maybe the moment he or she started to walk away from your life, you felt helpless and the only way to teach someone a lesson was to be mean to them. Picking on petty issues was pointless, for they could be resolved over a discussion.
You create fear in someone's mind, because you enjoy control, but did you ever ask yourself what made you fearful? were you battling your own phobias by degrading and mistreating someone else? Why did she become haughty one day because she's got promoted? Why did their attitude change? Why was I misjudged? WHY WHY WHY! Could anyone answer those questions, because I couldn't do anything but critique myself all the time. I had become so critical of myself, I hate to look in the mirror, I hate my face, I hate everything about myself, I hate the fact trust is something that grows like a plant and then dies within a few seconds when someone breaks it.
Stranger, you came back to life thanks to God, you boost my morale by convincing me if there is firm conviction in God, you can come through pain, moral support plays a pivotal role in our lives, but does that mean we lower ourselves down for help? No, we should rather seal our lips and seek help from God.
Sweet stranger, you came as a guiding light ,in a flash you put a smile on my face, you sweetly praise my dimples as I laugh on your jokes, you tell me I have the most cutest dimple and that I am still a baby! Seems like I know you for a very long time, where were you hiding?
I can only thankyou for coming across, and I thank God for making us cross the same path, and may God bless you and save you from any evil. Thankyou for enligtening my heart and making me believe that there is life beyond the traumatic depression I have been battling for a very long time. I couldn't believe how I laughed out again, I am hearing myself laugh again, strange but true, how I could only recall tears as my friends and now a stranger replaced them by a smile.
Your sweet presence shall be carved in my heart for long now.
God Bless