This is a reel of my latest collection of cuddly cuties, from the first pic ( right to left: Fifi, Popsy & Noel) I so fancied buying them and making myself feel like a child. I am still a child at heart, I may talk about all the serious things in life and work as a nerdy media maniac and so on but a child in me is alive. I can never have enough of these toys, they are adorable. They are a symbol of my childhood and my growing adult life and how life becomes boring as an adult, because you can no longer chuck tantrums easily, you can not play childish games of catch me if you can. Childhood slips out of your hands like sand and then you are cloaked with adulthood and then transformed into something serious and expected to abide within those norms of the society.
My childhood is precious and this is something I wish to get back but I know I never will, for time has flown by and I am entering into an unknown world, which only creates fear in my soul.
As one of my learned elderly friend once told me ' Life is an experience, you are a baby to even cry over what you go through, when you reach my age of 60 years, you will realise what it means to get hurt, be betrayed and cheated by people you trust, but that doesn't mean you stop living, you live on because that is what Lord has ordained for you." And these words are precious for me, imbibed into my mind.
I am still a child at heart, I will still maintain that childhood in my adulthood..