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Finally by Arabian Oud {R}


It’s finally time to leave this cage,
I once called my home,
A place full of peace and security,
But now everything reminds me of you,
Haunts me day and night,
I thought you would always be there,
But that was a big lie,
Hoping to hear from you everyday,
I spent time thinking about you,
Hoping you were next to me,
That look in your face, drove me crazy,
But all that is plain history now,
I am so lonely now again,
I tried to unleash the pain,
And run away so many times,
But every attempt was a failure,
Coz deep down, I had hope,
Wishing you would come back,
And hug me so tight,
Kiss my worries away so bright,
Everyone told me I was dreaming,
I locked myself into deafness,
And slowly drifted into darkness,
But now I hear my voice echo,
My heart questions you,
Where are you my beloved?
Did you ever think of me,
Miss me and love me?
It’s finally time to leave,
I was living in a cage,
You once called ‘ our home’,
You kept telling me,
I couldn’t leave,
But today,
As I walk away into darkness,
I know you will be suffering ahead,
And it is now, you shall realise my worth,
Coz you never valued my existence,
I am finally free, as a bird,
Eager to search the true meaning of life.


Anonymous said…
a beautiful release of the soul :)

Your words are very well written and i love the ending!

We have to let go of our pasts sometimes, the burden of that is to much to bear..start fresh and make a new better life, and Thank Allah you were blessed with the chance to do that....
Arabianperfume said…
I am thankful to Allah for a new beginning and a new chance but sadly the wounds of past stil remain deep and still haunt me as though there shall be another return.. pure dejavu..

I hope one day I am set free and never feel so insecure ever..

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