I was once a believer in love,
but now I am an unbeliever in love,
I was so deeply smitten by his smile,
but now I wonder what drove me to him?
I thought love meant eternal BLISS,
but then I realised it was plain HELL,
Prancing around the trees like a child,
I seemed to lose my innocence in love,
Love, you followed my shadow everywhere,
And then you entered my blood and then my soul,
You crept into my alley in the dark night,
Then stole my sleep and hypnotised me,
I thought it was so special, 'true love'
But it was nothing but a gud 'Time pass' for you,
Driving me to insanity and sleepless nights,
Then stealing away my dreams and peace,
You vanish in the midst of the night,
I thought you understood me, you was special,
But it was all a charade you put up,
You behave all sweet and innocent infront of me,
But inside thee are full of betrayal and evil,
Now I am an unbeliever in love,
Thankyou for waking me up,
Coz I can see I was lucky to walk away lonely,
I am deaf to the sound of sweet love,
Coz it poisons my soul all the time..