I am beautiful from the outter side but I am so ugly frm inside, you run after the outter side..thinking I am beautiful frm inside, but it aint like tht..majority of the people in this world are plain ugly despite the neat clean image they portray infront of others... They would rather go for someone who's beautiful and corrupt rather than someone who is beautiful and pure. They would want an easy catch, rather a hard to play person. They say 'beauty lies in the eyes of beholder' but I some what refuse to accept this, coz I don't see this happening. It's your outter covering that sells not your inside as a person, not your principles, no matter how educated or talented you are. No matter, how good you are at work or charity or as a family person, they don't wanna know you. The physical attraction that allures you is temporary, what matters is inside, your heart, your feelings, how good you treat someone. The outter beauty ain't gona last forever, what if God forbid, I have a horrible accident tomorrow, I am paralysed, and what if someone drops acid on my face, I know people would certainly not wanna know me anymore.. its natural, who loves an ugly piece? but if you really love someone, you will love their personality as well, the combination of physical looks and personality is a strong one.
Beauty without brains is useless.. but most importantly,if ur ugly frm within, ur hot looks dont matter frm outside.