Once upon a time, I was a very happy soul, laughing, dancing, going crazy and the life of every party and gathering, I was seen as ' go lucky' by others. As we speak, reality flips the other ugly side and I am no longer a happy soul, I am not thankless, I thank Allah for the breathe I take, for the things I have but I am not the same person anymore. I am an arrogant, difficult, miserable human being. You ask me why have I turned into something so harsh, it's a long story, cheated, betrayed and back stabbed by people I once loved and considered my best friends and special. I have been back stabbed so badly, I have lost my patience with people. I know they sayst not all five fingers are the same but I seest all of them alike, atleast the majority is like that..
Purity in love, friendship, special relationshps is all gone, I have lost trust and feel betrayed.. I am a soul whos wandering lonely but I don't feel sorrowed by my loneliness, coz I know end of the day I have someone who ain't gona leave me or judge me badly, it's someone who hears my heart beat all the time. He's been there when I felt so misunderstood and betrayed by people, he held my hands and assured me everything is gona be fine. He's been there in my dark hours and always put a smile on my face, but He's about the only one who's truly touched my soul, coz He is great, Merciful, Ever-Forgiving, He is Allah,the Almighty.