Standing on the stage, I read my speech,
I gaze into the eyes of all those people,
Who once denied to acknowledge my talent,
It took me ages to prove myself,
Your discouraging me, you ain’t my friend,
But beneath I knew, I had a long way to go,
The road seemed vague, but I had hope,
She kept stealing my ideas, he kept laughing,
They kept becoming obstacles & diverting,
But I paid no heed to their cruel intentions,
Here I am, finally standing proud of myself,
They kept hovering around me, making me feel special,
He wants to be my man, she wants to be my best friend,
Temptations all around me but I am not shaken,
For the love of my beloved holds me back,
For my heart isn’t excited by the passing by phase,
For there is an end to every fame,
And then I shall fade into anonymity in few years,
Replaced by another ‘bright’ face, who is a heart throb,
Fearless is how I feel, not bothered about my failure,
For success has been achieved and failure has died out,
Today my fame take’s those last breaths in front of you,
With no regrets and looking forward to purity,
For in the hands of the Almighty lies my breath and success,
I was once the ‘ life’ of every gathering,
But now I am ordinary, just as I began my journey,
Few years ago, so plain and white,
A symbol of purity and strength
Image: taken from Emirates Palace website