It took me a long while before I resumed to normality, coming out of that blurry world, surrounding me with my desires, ever wanting wishes. A world, which could only exist in the Here after, as I looked forward to my death, nothing more pleased me then the reunion with my beloved.. the Supreme being.. this world soon became a prison and my body a cage... for everytime I have been so sincere, I have been hurt so immensely, for every time I tried to be a hard crusted arrogant individual, I found myself very alienated.. There were times when the pen would stop favouring me and all those words remained in my mind... deep thinking.. then finding faults in myself.. then those moments of shedding tears, then wiping away those tears and replacing by that innocent smile... behaving like a child, escaping the clutches of adulthood and finding more solace in the purity and honesty of childhood.. Trust is something so pivotal to every relationship, building up trust takes forever but it simply ta...
Personal blogspot of Arabian Oud {R}. Poems, stories, photographs, opinions, interesting images, controversial issues and so on. Hear out Arabian Oud {R} speak her mind & heart to you..