You never had the time to hear me out,You never took my presence for real,You never treated me with that respect,You never ever noticed my emotions,You never came back to wipe my tears,I stood by you through thick and thin,To take the burden of your pain forever,To be your ever lasting sunshine in pain,I waited for you in those late hours of night,And then hoping to see you in the morning,But you were never there for me,You had other things to keep you occupied,Things better than me, and me as secondary,Expecting me to understand and compromise,But no one ever asked me what I wanted,No one treated me like a real princess,No one even know who the real me was,You never had the time to look into my eyes,You never bothered to even know me better,I became worthless and taken for granted,Everyday came and went past in hopes,Hoping things would change for the best,But nothing happened,Nothing seemed to change,I wish you stood where I stood for long,In that burning heat and waiting for you,I wish you feel the pain I have suffered,I wish you cry in moments of weakness,Hoping your beloved stands by there,But finding no one standing by your side,I am suffocated in silence and pain,You are lost within yourself so much,That you can not hear any other voice,You can not even hear me calling you,You only fear losing but never cared,Never cared for my existence in your life,So now I am walking away slowly,Hoping you will be happy in whatever,So now I moving out of your way,So I am not longer an obstacle in your goals,Hoping you will have a smile on your face,You never had the time to even know me,And you said you loved me..But I guess this is what they call 'unwanted',So I am leaving in silence on my own.
poem by meshot: unknownUAE
poem by meshot: unknownUAE