Burnt down your memories first, saw you burn mine later, for you wronged me, I didn't wrong you, but I was punished by thee.
You have burnt my heart to the depths of darkness and thrown me in the unknown. How could you vow to love me for eternity when all you had to do in the end was behave like others, so typical, so full of lies, full of deceit.
After a good timepass all you wanted was to exit.
Strange how now its become a trend to dump people and they find out through others. Strange how feelings, emotions and relationships have become a joke.
You have burnt my heart to the depths of darkness and thrown me in the unknown. How could you vow to love me for eternity when all you had to do in the end was behave like others, so typical, so full of lies, full of deceit.
After a good timepass all you wanted was to exit.
Strange how now its become a trend to dump people and they find out through others. Strange how feelings, emotions and relationships have become a joke.
Our biggest fault is that we give someone that importance in our life to make them special to that point that they actually think they are all that and they misuse this emotion, they possibly do everything to hurt us. We hurt that person to an extent that is very painful, we hurt them and then seek forgiveness and think it's going to be okay, because we know deep down they love us, and love gives one the power to tolerate.
There would have been possibly soo many times you chucked that tantrum infront of him and known he would either fight with you or listen you quietly and pick on your faults and then you could sit back and laugh at things you fought at, that is true companionship.
These memories are nothing but ashes for me, if the person decides to take you for granted & left you, you don't need materialistic things gifted by them to keep you entertained, you don't need to hold on to them, they only make things worse. But what surprises me is when the one who has wronged has no guilt, all he/she has an ego, only if someone hurt them deeper to make them realise how it feels to truly love someone and then be treated like trash one day.
Love is not that fairytale dreamy world, it is not perfect, it is the core reality of tolerance, compromise, understanding,respect, giving out space and caring. Love is a formation of all that and if it is not all that, it is not love, getting some timepassing attention is not love, it is LUST, which most people crave for and confuse it with love. Love begins with your eyes and ends in the soul. Love is the ultimate desire of your soul, to be liberated and reside in peace.
This post is dedicated to all those people I know who have been in the same boat as me, you know who you are and our experiences bind us, regardless of our language, culture or creed.
Special thanks : "Love you for being there when I needed someone the most to keep my head over a strong shoulder, for someone to let me express myself. Thanks M & K, you both know who you are."