End of the day when you lose a battle in any form, any path of your life, professionally or personally it is your humbleness and your down to earth behavior that matters.. Power, fame and materialism are only momentarily things, which do not determine the true person, these are like a cloak we wear but what emerges out is the real us with situations, experiences, circumstances, Every leader has to leave at the end of his leadership, thus people remember him in his generous acts and how good he has behaved with his people. How just has he been and so on..
Before I started working in the media, I was fascinated by celebrities, famous people and all those people we rate as 'stars', but as I entered this field, I had a closer look and realised how they were normal people like us, who were popular with the hype we gave them, with the importance we gave to their work.. How it was artificial and only a few of them were geniune people.. how that coming closer to them made me see their blemishes of their arrogance and how I was no longer fascinated by these famous people, nor was I interested in even knowing them as others would. I would do my work and carry on doing something more useful and more productive, something undisclosed here..I know some people would die to be in my place, but believe me, it's not worth dying.... I chose anonymity in my writing, because I am not part of the fame batch.
Just because you have fame in your hands and something so outrageous doesn't mean you have the right to be proud to show off. You can be proud of yourself for achieving your goals but not for telling others they are losers. To every person is their chosen and limited capacity and talents gifted by God.
Remember, the one thing that leaves a foot mark in the hearts of people is the sweetness of your character and behavior not your fame or money. Fame is coined by the masses who make you feel popular, and one day when someone else replaces you, you are history, you come out of that creative world and see who was with you and who wasn't. Who wanted you for what you are and who wanted you for an ulterior motive. You are wise to choose.
Shot: by me
Locale: Trafalgar Square
July 2007